Google Ads

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Drive Conversions in Australia with Our Expert Google Ads Agency


Optimise your campaigns and increase your brand’s visibility on Google, the world’s largest search engine. At LocaliQ, we’re the Google Ads specialist Australian businesses and organisations can rely on for campaigns that deliver lower costs per acquisition. Maximise your ROI with bespoke, carefully crafted Google Ads that generate more quality leads for less.

Leverage the power of data-driven campaigns and unique integrations that allow our ads agency to easily monitor and refine your paid search campaigns. Our team incorporates your CRM and sales data to deliver ads that generate conversions while providing you with valuable information about where every lead came from. Discover how we can help you grow your brand on Google today.

Boost Your Online Visibility with Quality Google Ads by LocaliQ

Reaching new customers and driving traffic to your website means advertising where your target audience spends their time. As the biggest search engine, millions of visitors make billions of searches everyday on Google, making it an essential source of new leads for your brand. Google Ads is a platform where your brand has countless opportunities to capture new customers and place your products and services in front of the people who need them.

Organic traffic can only go so far, especially in crowded, highly competitive industries. By incorporating Google ads services into your marketing mix, you can reach your target market sooner. Instead of depending on search engine rankings alone, Google ads appear right at the top of search results. What’s more, you’ll only pay when a user clicks on that ad, reducing wasted marketing spend on unqualified leads.

Why Your Brand Needs Google Ads Management

You know who your customers are, and we’re the team who can help you reach them. The Google Ads platform offers a powerful set of targeting options that allow you to reach the right audiences at the right time. As experts in Google Ads management, we can help your brand make the most of the features on the platform, from demographic to location based targeting.

Whether you’re a local restaurant in Sydney looking to reach new diners in the area or a large company in Melbourne working within a specific industry niche, we take the time to understand your business environment and deliver Google ad campaigns that resonate with your audiences and seamlessly integrate into their online search experience.

Done correctly, pay per click (PPC) marketing on the Google platform can deliver a consistent stream of qualified, profitable leads that place your offerings in front of the precise people you’re looking to reach. At LocaliQ, we take a holistic approach that takes into consideration everything from your business model to the quality of your landing pages to help ensure your Google ads campaign is expertly refined to generate the best possible results.

Increase ROI With Data-Driven Google Ads Services

Once your campaign is live, the work doesn’t just stop there. Our team utilises live data insights to constantly optimise your campaigns to outrank competitors and generate more traffic, leads and conversions. From adjusting audience targeting based on user behaviour to tweaking keywords and time scheduling, we work hard to refine every aspect of your campaign to deliver the best possible results.

As a highly competitive marketing space, working with an experienced Google advertising agency is essential to success. Every time a new search is initiated, the Google Ads platform digs into the pool of ad campaigns and chooses a set of winners to display at the top of those search results. How these winners are selected comes down to the quality and relevance of your ad.

As Google Ads experts, we have a deep understanding of how the platform rewards and punishes ad campaigns based on their metrics and algorithms. Whether you’re looking to launch a new Google AdWords campaign or better optimise an existing campaign, our team is here to help you craft high performance, low cost ads. We’ll catapult your brand to the top of search results with hyper-targeted campaigns that go beyond visibility and deliver more traffic and conversions.

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LocaliQ is a Google Premier Partner, Awarded to Only the Top 3% of Agencies in Australia

Managing successful campaigns on a constantly evolving Google Ads platform is hard work and requires extensive experience. We understand the frustration of working with agencies that throw jargon at you only to deliver poorly performing set-and-forget campaigns. It’s hard to deal with a Google Ads budget that isn’t delivering the results it should.

Google Premier Partners are Google Partners that are in the top 3% of agencies in Australia. This certification is awarded to a Google ads company that deliver on key performance indicators like:

  • Delivering consistent growth for existing clients
  • Generating growth for new clients
  • A strong track record for client retention
  • Product diversification, e.g. offering a mix of campaigns across search and non search, including YouTube, Gmail, Google Shopping and the Google Display network

By working with a Google Premier Partner like LocaliQ, you can enjoy greater confidence working with experts with a strong track record for high performance ad campaigns.

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Let us help you seize your potential.

FAQs About Google Ads Services

How Can a Google Ads Agency Like LocaliQ Reduce AdWords Costs?

Our team understands how to refine cost-effective ad campaigns that maximise results with the least possible spend. Our ads agency reduces your expenditure by carefully measuring and improving your cost per lead. We eliminate any factors that cause excessive costs per lead, such as removing poorly performing keywords and user demographics that aren’t converting. Other factors that impact cost per click include the quality of your landing page and CTAs, an area with which we can help.

We can also reduce costs by strategically splitting the spend in targeting and retargeting based on which audiences have previously indicated an interest in your offerings. Ultimately, reducing costs requires a tailored strategy which takes into account the unique factors in each ad campaign. We’ll ensure a holistic approach is taken to maximise ROI across your Google ad campaign.

Am I Paying More When Managing My Own Google PPC Ads?

Unless you have significant experience running Google Ads, you are likely to be spending more than you need to. Managing the complexities that go into refining a cost-effective Google Ad campaign requires years of experience to master. Getting help from Google Ads experts is one of the surest ways of ensuring you do waste your marketing budget on ads that aren’t working. In most cases, an inexperienced Google Ads manager can result in a negative return on investment. If your business is focused on the bottom line, it just isn’t worth taking the risk of spending more than you’re getting back.

Why Should I Measure Google Ads Leads?

Quality management and performance is informed by insights and information. This makes tracking and measuring leads from Google Ads crucial for an effective campaign. We oversee this process for you and report back to you. From there, we can make recommendations about who your leads are and what kind of targeting strategies work for them. These insights are all valuable in helping us improve the cost-effectiveness of a Google campaign by divesting in strategies that aren’t working and investing more in what’s actually getting results. It’s all part of a successful AdWords campaign that results in leads and, crucially, in conversions.

How Can Google Ads Grow My Business?

Using Google Ads can grow your business by helping you reach new audiences that are specifically looking for your products or services. Someone who needs a plumber in Brisbane will often search “plumber in Brisbane” on Google. If your business is the one that pops up at the top of the search results, it’s a simple and effective way of getting more customers. So many of us use Google today to run searches just like this, making it difficult for businesses to ignore the potential for that kind of exposure.

What are the Most Common Challenges with Google Ads?

When it comes to what makes running Google Ads hard, it comes down to strategy and optimisation. Anyone can create an account and set up an ad campaign, but whether it achieves anything other than a few clicks at a significant cost is another question. The Google Ads platform is finicky by nature and fine-tuning ad campaigns is a fine art that requires years of experimentation, research, testing and tweaking to figure out what works best in different scenarios.

A Google advertising agency like LocaliQ is made up of experts who are experienced at pulling all the different levers that contribute to a low cost, high performance campaign. By working with experts, you can avoid spending thousands on ads that either don’t generate results or get the results you hoped for.

How Long Until I Get Results from Google Ads?

While other marketing approaches like SEO take time, Google Ads can start generating results as soon as they’re live. From traffic to conversions and sales, you can see these results starting to come in from day one. Keep in mind that it takes some time, usually between 30 to 90 days, for your Google ads to reach optimum performance. Great Google Ads management involves continuing to adjust, even after you get results that you’re happy with. There are always more opportunities to refine ad spend or capture more traffic with tweaks in strategy.

How Much Do Google Ads Cost?

Since Google ad campaigns come in a huge range of formats and are highly customisable, it’s hard to put a simple number of how much Google ads cost. It depends on the type of ad and where it’s placed along with targeting, keyword competition, relevance and quality score. Ultimately, you can spend as much or as little as you want, setting campaign budgets to ensure you don’t spend more than you’d like. Google Ads typically cost more than Display Ads per click. Keep in mind, the cost can vary significantly depending on the campaign.

The metric that really matters, however, is ROI. Rather than focusing on how much each click is costing you, look at the returns those clicks are generating in the form of sales or conversions. At LocaliQ, we pride ourselves on taking a transparent approach where we break down all the factors that contribute to the cost of a campaign, including our own fees, and provide honest advice on the best way to maximise ROI.

Why is LocaliQ a Leading Provider of Google Ads Services?

With decades of experience across a vast range of industries in Australia, LocaliQ is your trusted partner when it comes to Google ad campaigns that get results. We have a strong track record of delivering quality ads across paid search as well as on Google apps and the Google Display network. It’s why we’re certified as a Google Premier Partner. No matter what your business or goals are, we can find the right Google marketing strategy for you.

Client Testimonial

“Our business has grown since we took over almost 100% in terms of revenue, and we’restill growing at about 20% per annum. And that is due in partto the amount of marketing that we’ve been able to do, and thesuccess of those campaigns.”

Ben Brown, Veterinarian, Sydney Animal Hospitals

Searches for “available near me” have grown by over 100% in the last year.

Google, 2021

The game is changing.

And your campaigns should, too. Target customers that matter with a localised solution. Build your brand by staying top of mind and at the top of highly relevant search results. We focus on driving quality, not quantity, so you’ll reach a target audience that’s already looking for products or services you offer.

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