YouTube Ads

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Engage Audiences with YouTube Marketing in Australia

With over 15 million unique Australian visitors each month, YouTube advertising offers endless opportunities for brands looking to grow. Video stands out as the most compelling and engaging ad creative available, however, you need an experienced ads agency to get it right.

LocaliQ is the experienced YouTube advertising agency Australian brands can rely on to generate snappy, creative, highly compelling messages. Whether your goal is brand exposure or increased leads and sales, we can find the right targeted YouTube marketing strategy for your unique circumstances.

Why Advertisers are Shifting to YouTube Marketing Services

Go on YouTube today and you’ll notice traditional TV advertisers are focusing more of their attention on the platform. There’s a good reason for this trend. It’s where many eyeballs are today, with prime time TV viewership consistently declining as YouTube viewership grows. Unlike TV, YouTube advertising is cost-effective and accessible to a variety of brands looking to capture new audiences. Partnering with an experienced Youtube ads agency helps you maximise the opportunities available on this growing platform.

LocaliQ has extensive experience running campaigns across the Google Ads platform, of which YouTube is a part. As a Google Premier Partner, awarded only to the top 3% of agencies in Australia, we have a strong track record of delivering high performance YouTube advertising campaigns optimised for your industry niche. Our YouTube agency refines the targeting options and placement of your YouTube banner ads and video ads to ensure the right audiences see them and generate the best return on your spend.

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Our YouTube Advertising Agency Services

The YouTube advertising platform offers a variety of unique ways for brands to reach their target audiences and convert them. Video advertising is a powerful way of driving conversions due to its engaging and memorable nature, but it doesn’t stop there. Select from a range of video and non-video ad placements across the platform.

Masthead Ads

These premium display ads appear at the top of the main YouTube homepage. Offering an incredible level of visibility and reach, these highly coveted ads are ideal for everything from highlighting new products to promoting events, service offerings and ecommerce campaigns. Running for up to 24 hours, these ads operate via cost per thousand (the acronym for which is CPM, Cost Per Mille), where you’re charged per 1,000 advertisement impressions on the web page.

Non-Skippable In-Stream Video Ads

A powerhouse of YouTube advertising, these short video ads play before, during or after video content and cannot be skipped by the viewers. These ads are approximately 15 seconds long and are also charged on a CPM basis. With snappy, creative messaging and calls to action, brands can quickly capture audience attention and convert.

In-Feed Video Ads

Appearing as thumbnails within search results, on the homepage and alongside relevant video content, this form of YouTube marketing encourages users to click on the thumbnail. This directs them to your promoted video where you can nurture them with your brand messaging. Generating results from these ads requires careful targeting to ensure they are placed in front of interested audiences along with strategically designed thumbnails that entice users to click.

Bumper Ads

These short, non-skippable ads run for only 6 seconds. The key is to deliver a fast and memorable message to the viewer. It’s another form of YouTube advertising charged on a CPM model. Due to their short length and unskippable nature, bumper ads are often used to create brand awareness and increase reach by driving high impressions and views.

Overlay Ads

These YouTube banner ads are semi-transparent and appear at the bottom of a video. Limited to desktop and laptop devices only, these ads can be closed by the viewer. These ads are ideal for YouTube marketing strategies focused on directing users to a product or landing page as it’s simple to click through on them.

Sponsored Cards

These display ads showcase relevant products, videos and playlists, appearing within certain eligible Youtube videos. Users have the option to click on the card, view the content and access more information.

Outstream Ads

Designed specifically for mobile placements, outstream ads are designed to reach users outside of Youtube. Appearing on partner sites and apps across the Google Network, these unique ads autoplay once 50% of the ad is visible on the screen.

Why Choose LocaliQ as Your YouTube Marketing Agency?


When it comes to YouTube video marketing services, experience and strategy both matter. As an experienced YouTube ad agency, LocaliQ delivers tailored campaigns supported by in-depth research, data insights and analysis of your competitive landscape. We take the time to understand your target market and goals, carefully implementing different ad types for every stage of the funnel.

With decades of experience across a variety of industries in Australia, LocaliQ is your trusted partner when it comes to YouTube advertising services that get results. Looking for a local digital marketing agency? We specialise in geo-targeted campaigns, whether you’re looking to reach audiences in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth or right across Australia.

Precise Targeting Across YouTube Advertising

Maximise the impact of your YouTube marketing with our deep expertise in precision targeting. Wondering which targeting option is best for achieving brand awareness? For product launches? Event promotion? Whatever your needs, we’ll find the best strategy for your unique circumstances.

Expert YouTube Ad Collaboration

Whether you’re looking to create a new video from scratch or increase the reach of existing videos, our YouTube ad agency has the experience and tools to get your content in front of the right people. We value taking a collaborative approach that enables our expertise to complement your goals and creative process.

PPC Partnerships and Strategies

Boost leads and increase sales with a multichannel marketing strategy. We combine our YouTube video marketing services with other tactics like Google Display Ads, Facebook Ads and email marketing to maximise results for your ads. Our expertise in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising as a Google Premier Partner means clients can be confident in our ability to manage diverse, multichannel campaigns with a mix of tactics and platform placements.

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FAQs About YouTube Marketing Services

Which Businesses Should Use a YouTube Ads Agency?

Businesses and organisations in just about any industry can benefit from YouTube advertising services, from education institutions to doctors, lawyers, software developers, tradies and ecommerce platforms. YouTube marketing is particularly powerful for reaching audiences aged under 35. For many younger generations, watching YouTube videos is a daily activity. It’s the second most visited website in the world and remains the top destination for watching longer videos.

How Do I Get Started with YouTube Advertising?

Advertising on YouTube is as simple as creating a Google AdWords account and linking it to your YouTube account. You can then promote any video you upload, targeting audiences based on demographics and keywords. Input from an experienced YouTube agency like LocaliQ can help you improve ad performance and deliver more cost-effective results.

How Does YouTube Advertising Work?

YouTube is part of the Google Ads platform, meaning YouTube Ad campaigns are managed through Google AdWords. Once you’ve created your video ad, you select your targeting options and set your budget via a bidding process which determines when, where and how often your ad plays. You can view all activity and analytics through your Google AdWords account.

Can I Integrate YouTube Advertising with Other Marketing Channels?

YouTube marketing can be integrated with other channels to support a cohesive strategy that reinforces your brand messaging and marketing objectives. With a multidisciplined ads agency like LocaliQ, you can create multiple touch points across search engines, social media and email along with content marketing and retargeting strategies.

Are There Targeting Options for Local or Regional Businesses on YouTube?

Brands can target ads according to specific locations, whether that’s cities like Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane or Perth, particular states or specific regions such as The Hunter, Central Coast or Gippsland. Our local digital marketing agency can help you benefit from these advanced targeting options to refine and focus your YouTube marketing strategy based on your specific brand goals.

Which Targeting Option is Best for Achieving Brand Awareness?

YouTube Ads can be targeted based on placements, topics, keywords or demographics. If your goal is brand awareness, broader topic targeting within relevant demographics can help expand your reach among the right audiences. Every campaign is different, however, so it’s always worth consulting a YouTube advertising agency for tailored advice.

Client Testimonial

“The biggest benefit that we’ve been seeing with LocaliQ would be the increase in our brand awareness, with patients coming in telling us that they’ve found us online.”

Kodee Guglielmana, Operations Manager, Aim Dental

Searches for “available near me” have grown by over 100% in the last year.

Google, 2021

See How Our YouTube Marketing Agency in Australia Can Help

Ready to grow your brand with video advertising on YouTube? Contact LocaliQ for custom campaigns in Australia that deliver the results you’re looking for.

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