Search Engine Optimisation

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Local SEO Agency Delivering Results Across Australia

Ready to maximise your online visibility? Work with the SEO experts at LocaliQ and start growing your brand and web presence. With 85% of users conducting online searches before making purchasing decisions, getting on top of SEO is key to driving more traffic to your website. Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process of improving your website to increase its organic (unpaid) visibility on search engines like Google and Microsoft Bing.

Capture potential customers when they search for products you sell, services you provide or information in which you have expertise. LocaliQ is an award-winning, market leading SEO agency offering a full suite of SEO services for businesses across Australia. By helping you achieve better visibility for your pages in search results, we help more people find and click on your site. Get a custom SEO strategy today and start seeing real results.

Grow Your Organic Traffic With Our Trusted SEO Services

Get to the top of relevant Google search results and stay there with data-driven strategies from our SEO specialists. Whether your goal is to find more customers, build brand awareness or generate more traffic to your website, we’ll craft the perfect strategy to get you to new heights. Our SEO consultants have extensive experience working across a diverse range of sectors in Australia, from boutique cafes to suppliers of industrial materials. With tactics including everything from keyword strategy to content creation, we’ll find the right tactics to help your brand perform better in search results.

Our SEO services incorporate proven best practices while keeping abreast of the latest consumer trends. This way, we ensure we’re delivering a tailored strategy that aligns with your specific goals and the competitive landscape. We’re here to both generate results and educate you on what works best, giving you an overview of lead and traffic sources as well as which pages and search queries generate the most clicks.

Explore Our SEO Marketing Services

The goal of search engines is to provide the most relevant results for their users. This makes understanding search intent important for your ability to rank well in search results. Google put extensive work into interpreting the intent behind searches. In turn, experienced SEO agencies like LocaliQ have put in the work to understand how to make sure your pages satisfy the search intent behind the keywords being targeted.

Search Intent Research

A successful search engine optimisation strategy often starts with keyword research, but search intent research is just as important. Search intent looks at why a user might type a particular query into a search engine. If someone searches “best cat food”, they are not looking to click on a specific product (at least not yet). Instead, they are more than likely conducting research to inform an eventual purchase. By understanding this search intent, we can adjust content on a website to target this keyword better and build a funnel that takes the user from the research phase to a purchase.

Simple Set Of Content Creation

Technical SEO/Audits

If you’re finding that your website continuously ranks low on relevant Google search engine result pages (SERPs), we can help uncover why. Our SEO experts can conduct a technical audit that uncovers any errors or bad habits that may be holding your website back from climbing the ranks. From there, we can create a strategy to help you get on top of your niche as well as provide the specific services that can make it happen.

local business optimisation

Link Acquisition

Link acquisition, also known as link building, is a powerful way of boosting your brand’s search engine rankings. It involves placing high quality, reputable inbound links that go back to your website. These can be placed on third party blogs, social media sites, forums, business directories, eBooks and more. Backlinks are one of the most important ranking factors on Google and other search engines as each link can be considered a vote of confidence that your website contains valuable, useful and credible content.

Tracking & Reporting in SEO
search intent research

Content Writing Services

Creating SEO optimised content is an important part of maintaining a high traffic website that drives conversions. We take the hassle out of writing content each month with an experienced team of content writers and SEO specialists to write blogs and refresh your web copy. Our content writing services ensure your website delivers a quality user experience and is free from errors that can affect search engine rankings. This also includes fixing dead links, updating meta data and checking alt text on images.

SEO Audit and fundamental elements

Local Business Optimisation

Any physical store or localised service based business can boost their online visibility with targeted local SEO strategies. From local cafes to local tradies, reach customers in your specific area. Search engines like Google love to focus on providing relevant local results for users. We can help you take advantage of this by optimising your My Business listing on Google and implementing local SEO strategies based on the competitive landscape in your specific area.

Link building in SEO

Tracking & Reporting

Showing you the results of your SEO strategy is an essential service offered by reputable SEO agencies. We can show you how, where and why SEO services are helping to increase leads and sales. At LocaliQ, we send regular interactive reports that are clear and simple to understand. Tracking and reporting also play an important role in finding any gaps in your current SEO strategy and resolving them to further optimise your online presence.

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SEO Strategies Tailored to Your Business

SEO consulting is a marketing practice that involves continuous evolution as major search engines constantly change their best practice requirements. This includes the algorithms and sets of rules that dictate how well your website ranks in search results.

LocaliQ is an SEO marketing agency that specialises in staying on top of these everchanging requirements. We implement dynamic SEO strategies to help your brand stay highly competitive whilst giving you the best chance to succeed in your local market.

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FAQs About SEO Digital Marketing Services

What is the Difference Between SEO and PPC?

While search engine optimisation (SEO) and pay per click (PPC) are both forms of search engine marketing (SEM), there is one distinct difference. SEO focuses on generating organic traffic whereas PPC involves placing paid ads in search results and other places across the web. SEO is more of a long-term strategy focused on building and maintaining a good online presence whereas PPC is a short-term strategy aimed at instantly increasing the visibility of your products or services. It’s important to find the right balance between SEO and PPC depending on your current goals and priorities.

Why is SEO Important for Businesses?

SEO services play a key role in building large-scale, long-term exposure online at a low cost. More than 70% of clicks on Google are on organic search results rather than ads. What’s more, 68% of those clicks go towards one of the top 5 organic results. This makes SEO the most important and, arguably, the most effective way of growing your brand online. Of course, the importance and appropriate dollar-figure investment in SEO strategies depends on each business and the competitive landscape within which it is operating.

How Long Does it Take to Rank a Website?

As a long-term strategy, SEO can require patience when first getting started. If you’re building a brand new website or revitalising an old one, you can’t expect immediate results. There are over 200 factors Google assesses in order to rank websites, including H tags, metadata, the age of your website and seasonality. It can take around 3 to 6 months for SEO strategies to start paying off in terms of high rankings in Google. SEO digital marketing is an ongoing process that requires monitoring and adjustment as time goes on to get the ideal strategy in place.

What is Link Building?

Almost every SEO strategy incorporates link building into the plan. This involves creating insightful, high quality content around products, services or industry news relevant to the business. The hope is that this will result in it being linked elsewhere on the web, including social media platforms. This signals to search engines that your website is a credible source of helpful information, which in turn helps it rank higher in search results.

How Important is Content for SEO?

Creating high quality content is one of the most important pillars of a successful SEO strategy. This includes educational blog posts, well-written landing pages, engaging videos and other content pieces your target audience will find genuinely enjoyable to interact with.

How Much Does SEO Cost?

The cost of an SEO strategy varies depending on your brand’s needs as well as your objectives and current level of competition. Costs can range anywhere from a few hundred to multiple thousands each month. It all depends on what the strategy entails. Are you, for example, building a whole new website or simply commissioning some blog posts? The experienced team at our SEO marketing agency will assess your website, target audience and competition to deliver a bespoke solution that meets your needs.

Can SEO Generate Leads and Sales?

One of the greatest strengths of a quality SEO strategy is the ability to deliver massive volumes of web traffic, leads and sales at a minimal cost. In order for this to happen, SEO needs to be managed by a specialist who can craft the right strategy to appeal to your customers at various stages of the funnel and motivate them to explore your offerings.

What Businesses Need to Use SEO?

While any business can benefit from SEO, some need it more than others. It comes down to the locality and the competition your business has to contend with. Some examples of the types of businesses that benefit the most from SEO include tradies, real estate agencies, professional services (such as finance and legal), eCommerce stores, medical service providers and hospitality businesses.

Should My Business do SEO In-House or Outsource?

Establishing and maintaining an effective SEO strategy takes expertise, experience and ongoing hard work. In the vast majority of cases, businesses are better off outsourcing their SEO needs to an expert. The results are better, and it ends up costing less overall.

How do I Know if SEO is Working or Not?

There are a few key ways to determine whether your SEO strategy is working, including checking your website’s organic traffic and seeing how you rank in relevant search results. One of the most important metrics for many businesses to track is whether visitors to your site are taking the desired actions, whether that’s contacting you or purchasing products.

How do Backlinks Impact SEO Ranking?

Backlinks improve your SEO rankings because major search engines view the quantity and quality of those links as votes of confidence from other websites, positioning you as an authority in that particular niche. The more backlinks to your website, the higher it can rank in search results.

Can You Help Businesses Recover from Google Penalties?

When your website suffers from Google penalties, it can impact your brand’s online visibility. Google penalties can result from breaching Google’s guidelines with poor practices such as keyword stuffing, including hidden text or links and duplicating content across pages. We can help your business recover by implementing an ethical and compliant SEO strategy.

Will You Work with eCommerce Sites?

At LocaliQ, we have extensive experience working with eCommerce businesses and are very comfortable working together to help create effective SEO campaigns. Our team is also familiar with all the major platforms and plugs including Shopify, Magento and BigCommerce.

Client Testimonial

“We have been able to maximise on our niche position in the marketplace through LocaliQ’s SEO efforts. The LocaliQ team deliver excellent transparency and reporting around results and regular communication.”

Mark Hodges, Director, Harrington & Co.

64% of companies actively invest time in Search Engine Optimisation.

Hubspot, 2020

Contact Our SEO Marketing Agency for Australia-Wide Services

LocaliQ is a specialist SEO service provider with a strong track record of delivering reliable SEO consulting, strategy and content creation to businesses across a vast range of industries in Australia. Grow your online presence with our expert assistance.

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