TikTok Ads

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Drive Growth with Expert TikTok Ads Agency in Australia

Take your brand to new heights on TikTok, the ultimate destination for online culture, music and ecommerce today. As a premier TikTok ads agency, LocaliQ is here to help you capture your unique share of the market among millions of users. TikTok demographics in Australia span users across generations, with an organic “For You” algorithm that provides huge opportunities to engage diverse audiences.

Get the right advertising on TikTok with campaigns designed to suit the unique content style of the platform. Our TikTok agency combines creative content with data, analytics and advanced targeting to help your brand make an impact on this fast growing platform.

Why Focus on TikTok Marketing?

TikTok is commanding the attention of users in ways no other platforms are doing currently. Daily time spent on the app is higher than all other social media platforms, owing to the increasing online trend towards highly engaging, short-length videos. Millions of monthly active users in Australia, combined with comparatively low uptake from advertisers compared to other social platforms, mean TikTok can be a gamechanger for brands looking to grow and make an impact.

Precise targeting tools empower brands to build a strong presence on the platform. Meanwhile, competitive CPM rates mean TikTok advertising cost to result ratios are one of the best across all social platforms. As an experienced TikTok advertising agency, LocaliQ helps leading brands across Australia strategise, create and launch campaigns utilising the strengths of the platform to drive conversions.

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Our TikTok Marketing Services

Our TikTok ad agency has an extensive understanding of all the different formats and placements available on the platform. We take the time to understand your brand, customer base and marketing objectives to unlock your potential. From TikTok influencers to user generated content (UGC), we’ll help discover the right mix of tactics to achieve your goals.

In-Feed Ads

The most common type of ads on TikTok, in-feed ads replicate the style and feel of the native content users create each day. Working as either a short video or still image, in-feed ads on TikTok appear under the “For You” banner, integrating seamlessly with the user experience. Purchased through the platform’s Ad Manager, we’ll incorporate a clickable call to action that takes users to your account, external landing page or to app downloads.

Image Ads

While known to most as a video platform, still image ads still have a place on the TikTok advertising network. Rather than appearing in the feed, however, still image ads appear on news feed apps that are associated with TikTok such as BuzzVideo, TopBuzz and Babe.

Carousel Ads

Much like other social media platforms, TikTok carousel ads incorporate a swipeable series of 2 to 10 images which can each feature their own caption. Similar to still image ads, however, carousel ads will only appear on TikTok news feed apps.

Video Ads

Visible in both “For You” feeds and the news feed, video ads are a great way of engaging users with all the standard features of native content. This includes effects, transitions, captions and audio clips. Brands can upload videos up to 60 seconds long, however, videos between 10 to 15 seconds generate the best results.

Top View Ads

TopView ads are the first thing users see when they open the TikTok app, taking up the entire screen. Accordingly, they are one of the most popular choices for brands looking to maximise visibility and impact. Offering broad reach and a high number of impressions, TopView ads are customisable and can be up to 60 seconds long.

Spark Ads

Spark ads allow brands to harness the creativity of fans by turning user generated content into advertising content. These campaigns can be launched with help from TikTok influencers and then turned into in-feed ads of TopView ads to boost their reach. Spark ads are labelled as “sponsored” and incorporate clickable call to actions.

Brand Takeover

A unique form of TikTok advertising, Brand Takeovers are full screen ads that launch when users first open the app. Consisting of a 3 second image or 3-5 second GIF, these ads are exclusive to the particular category, so users won’t see any other ads for that product type the rest of the day. As expected, this exclusivity comes at a higher cost so is typically only used by larger brands.

Branded Hashtag Challenge

By promoting a sponsored hashtag via another TikTok ad, you can expand your reach and boost engagement by encouraging user participation and creativity. With the right approach, you can go viral and entice huge numbers of users to participate and have fun with it.

Branded Effects

Another way of boosting reach by creating fun, branded effects allow you to launch your own custom filters, stickers and effects that users can incorporate into their own content. When combined with other TikTok marketing tactics, branded effects can result in impressive engagement across diverse audience segments.

Ready to Start Advertising on TikTok?

LocaliQ is a dedicated TikTok ad agency here to help Australian brands understand how the platform works and how they can reach their customers using its unique features. We’ll help your brand create unique content that resonates with the right audiences. We can target ads with laser precision, whether you’re looking to reach users young or old, in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth or throughout Australia.

Get the power of LocaliQ behind you

Let us help you seize your potential.

FAQs About Ads on TikTok

Why Advertise on TikTok?

Ads on TikTok are affordable to create and can generate great results for brands looking for innovative ways to reach new audiences. TikTok Ads rank well for ad equity, with brands enjoying a high ROI for their efforts. TikTok advertising also offers creative new ways to market products, services and brands in a way that distinguishes it from other digital platforms.

It’s no secret that most content creators are GenZ users, with 41% of users aged between 18 and 24. This is great for brands looking to reach younger audiences, however, you shouldn’t neglect the potential to reach Millennials, GenX and Baby Boomers who make up the remaining 59% of users.

Is TikTok Marketing Right for My Company?

With 500 million daily active users across a range of demographics, TikTok is a great platform for any brand to advertise on.

Some businesses may be deterred because it doesn’t seem like a good fit for their industry, but this can be an advantage. TikTok is more exclusive with less advertisement saturation, meaning you get more views and a higher click through rate (CTR) compared to other platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

A TikTok ad agency can help determine whether ads on TikTok are right for your brand and find an approach that works for you.

How Much are TikTok Ads?

TikTok advertising cost will vary depending on your budget, campaign type and targeting options. While TikTok ad pricing can be higher upfront compared to other platforms, it is generally lower when you look at comparative potential ROI. How much are TikTok ads? It all depends on the scenario. LocaliQ can provide more information about TikTok ad pricing based on your unique circumstances.

Can TikTok Ads Drive More Sales?

While many brands associate TikTok marketing with brand awareness, the platform can be quite effective for generating sales. This is due to the higher Click Through Rate (CTR) compared to other social media platforms, driving great results for ecommerce platforms and other brands with campaigns focused on selling products.

Should I Run Facebook Ads or TikTok Ads?

Both Facebook Ads and TikTok Ads can generate good results for your brand. We generally recommend using both as part of a wider, cohesive, multichannel marketing strategy. As an expert Facebook and TikTok agency, we can tailor different ad tactics according to the strengths of each platform.

Can I Target Specific Audiences with a TikTok Ad?

The in-built TikTok Ads Manager allows for detailed targeting across a range of criteria. Your brand can target specific audiences based on location, age, interests, user behaviour, device type and interactions. Our TikTok marketing agency can help you refine your targeting to maximise the ROI of your ads.

Client Testimonial

“Our business has grown since we took over almost 100% in terms of revenue, and we’restill growing at about 20% per annum. And that is due in partto the amount of marketing that we’ve been able to do, and thesuccess of those campaigns.”

Ben Brown, Veterinarian, Sydney Animal Hospitals

Searches for “available near me” have grown by over 100% in the last year.

Google, 2021

Your Trusted TikTok Advertising Agency in Australia

LocaliQ is the TikTok marketing agency brands trust to deliver creative content campaigns that deliver better results. Whichever TikTok demographics in Australia you’re looking to reach, our team is here to help.

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