LinkedIn Ads

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Get your LinkedIn advertising strategy right with LocaliQ

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Making LinkedIn Marketing Services Simple in Australia

Get your LinkedIn advertising strategy right with LocaliQ, the expert B2B marketing agency in Australia. Many ads on LinkedIn are boring, superfluous and poorly targeted. This results in wasted spend and poor results. Our LinkedIn marketing services are optimised for conversion and ROI, so your ads deliver tangible benefits.

Maximise your opportunities in a space where many other brands are falling short. Unlock the secret to advertising on LinkedIn with help from our experienced agency. We’ll manage everything from writing copy and designing graphics to targeting, bidding and developing lead magnets for your campaign.

Build Strategic Campaigns with Our LinkedIn Advertising Agency

LinkedIn is the ultimate online destination for those looking to grow and expand their business or connect with a huge network of professionals. The platform offers huge opportunities for any brand looking to showcase their products or services to a professional audience. You can strategically target high-level decision makers in organisations with laser-precision. According to LinkedIn, 4 out of 5 active users are business decision makers.

While not as visual as other social media platforms, there are still plenty of ways to capture attention and make an impact. As the top global professional networking platform with over 750 million active users, it’s a space that simply offers too many opportunities for B2B brands to overlook. LocaliQ can help your brand develop objective based advertising on LinkedIn and get them in front of the right audiences.

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Our LinkedIn Marketing Services

LocaliQ will build your campaign from start to finish, with data-driven decisions informed by decades of experience in social media marketing. Whether you’re wondering how to advertise on LinkedIn, the best time to post on LinkedIn or what kind of content you should use for LinkedIn marketing, we can help.

Find the Right LinkedIn Ads for Your Audience

Discover which LinkedIn ads best suit your target market. Choose from Sponsored Content ads for engaging with broad audiences through to insightful Text Ads, which are optimised to drive conversions from a targeted user base. Our extensive experience with LinkedIn advertising equips us with the competence to deliver campaigns that maximise returns and generate qualified leads.

Precise Targeting with LinkedIn’s Advanced Search Filter

Targeted campaigns are key to boosting ROI. Our experienced LinkedIn agency helps brands take advantage of the platform’s unique targeting tools and personalised campaign options to maximise the effectiveness of your ads. This includes the Advanced Search Filter option that allows you to refine audiences based on job titles, industries, location and company size so your messaging reaches relevant audiences.

Performance Metrics for Data-Driven Decision Making

Keep track of relevant metrics like impressions and click through rate to monitor and improve the performance of active campaigns. Use these insights to craft future campaigns and amplify your results over time on the LinkedIn platform. LocaliQ works to constantly improve performance through split-testing and campaign analysis to deliver new efficiencies wherever possible.

Strategic Audience Targeting

Our LinkedIn agency focuses on providing a straightforward, cost effective and efficient way for B2B brands to connect with relevant decision makers across the LinkedIn professional network. We’ll leverage powerful algorithms and segmentation tools to fine-tune custom audiences for targeting and retargeting content.

Boost ROI with Creative Messaging

A successful LinkedIn marketing strategy also needs creative messaging tailored for each audience based on the brand and its campaign goals.  Whether the campaign is based around Sponsored Content, Text Ads or Video Ads, our experts will find a way to develop creative messages that engage and convert.

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FAQs About LinkedIn Advertising

Where Do LinkedIn Ads Appear?

Based on your objectives, brands can choose from a variety of placements  and formats when advertising on LinkedIn. This includes:

  • Sponsored Content: appears in desktop and mobile feeds and include single image ads, carousels, video ads, event ads and document ads.
  • Sponsored Messaging: appears in user message inboxes and include conversation ads and simple message ads.
  • Dynamic Ads: appear on the right rail of the feed on desktop devices and include Spotlight ads, Job ads and Follower ads.

As an experienced LinkedIn marketing agency, LocaliQ can help you determine what kind of ad formats and placements best suit your campaign goals and target audiences.

What Types of Businesses are Suitable for LinkedIn Ads?

Companies with a B2B focus, such as software developers, for example, can benefit enormously from targeting corporate decision-makers and industry influencers on the platform. Marketing on LinkedIn means being able to precisely target users based on job title, current company, industry, location and other relevant information.

Professional service providers can also use LinkedIn to highlight their expertise and generate interest across a broader audience. Examples range from  lawyers and accountants to architects, teachers, doctors, photographers and tech influencers. Any brand or individual looking to reach professional audiences can benefit from targeted LinkedIn ads. With help from LocaliQ, you can ensure those ads convert to ROI.

How Can I Get Started with LinkedIn Ads?

Creating LinkedIn ads is easy enough, but it takes work to use the platform and its tools effectively. Brands can start by creating a free account on LinkedIn’s advertising platform, Campaign Manager. The next step is to choose your objective, which is the action you want audiences to take. Options range from brand awareness to follows and website visits.

The next step is to build your target audience based on demographics like location, and professional traits like industry and job title. Choosing your ad format and positioning comes next, before entering your bid amount and campaign budget. Finally, design your ad creative in accordance with the specs and guidelines for your chosen ad format. If you need help with any or all of the above steps, our expert LinkedIn ad agency is here to help.

What are the Different Types of LinkedIn Ads?

Brands can choose from at least 10 ad formats when marketing on LinkedIn, including:

  1. Single Image Ads: these appear in feeds and look like regular posts
  2. Carousel Ads: a swipeable row of up to 10 cards/ images
  3. Video Ads: 3 second to 30 minute videos that appear in feeds
  4. Message Ads: text ads delivered directly to user inboxes
  5. Conversation Ads: another message ad ideal for lead generation
  6. Follower Ads: promoted to encourage users to follow you
  7. Spotlight Ads: dynamic ads used to highlight products and services
  8. Job Ads: used to promote positions you’re hiring for
  9. Text Ads: simple written ads that appear in side banners
  10. Lead Gen Forms: capture contact details in return for something of value

The ideal option for your campaign depends on your target market and objectives. Based on your goals, our LinkedIn advertising agency can advise you on the best options.

How Does LinkedIn Ad Targeting Work?

Targeted LinkedIn marketing services can deliver huge results for brands with the right strategy. LinkedIn ads enable targeting across 20 different audience attribute categories, including company name, job title, seniority, interest, job experience and skills. You can also reach users based on location data, ranging from specific cities like Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth to states and entire countries. Other targeting options include company connections and followers as well as demographics such as age and gender.

How Much Does it Cost to Advertise on LinkedIn?

The cost of your LinkedIn advertising campaign/s depends on the type and scope of marketing activity. Similar to most social platforms, LinkedIn works through an auction system where advertisers bid on audiences and key terms. While different factors determine which brands get the most prominent placements, every campaign’s bid value and relevance to the user helps determine which ads appear, and when.

An optimised bidding strategy that balances visibility against cost is key to maximising ROI and achieving your marketing objectives. Our LinkedIn ad agency can help you determine the budget required to reach your goals. During and after campaigns, we can provide insights on your expenditure in terms of specific metrics such as cost per conversion.

What is the Average Conversion Rate for LinkedIn Ads?

LinkedIn is notorious for delivering strong performance in conversion, especially for B2B brands. According to LinkedIn, the average conversion rate is approximately 6.1%, which is much higher than Google’s average conversion rate of 2.5%. Achieving high conversion rates ultimately requires a well configured, properly targeted, creative ad campaign.

As a LinkedIn ads agency, this is an area in which LocaliQ specialises.  We take the time to research your audience and develop unique campaigns designed around what differentiates your brand. Our in-depth knowledge of LinkedIn advertising tools, placements and formats enables us to strategically align your objectives with the right messaging to engage your target audiences.


Client Testimonial

“I’d recommend LocaliQ to other businesses. The transparency in their campaigns means we can see exactly where all of our dollars go. Instead of getting the smaller jobs, we’re getting bigger, greater value jobs, and servicing a better clientele than we ever have before.”

Blair Collins, Production Manager, Guardian Screens & Shutters

Searches for “available near me” have grown by over 100% in the last year.

Google, 2021

Grow Your Brand with Our LinkedIn Marketing Agency in Australia

Discover how you can generate more leads on Australia’s largest professional network with LocaliQ, your trusted LinkedIn ads agency. Whether you’re wondering how to advertise on LinkedIn or the best time to post on LinkedIn, we’re here to help as the expert B2B marketing agency in Australia.

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